Some people say that assembly line and mass production is creating a world of unskilled craftsmen, with no real artisans left. What do you think?
The Industrial Revolution is a revolution that started in England during the late 1700s and spread throughout the rest of the world at varying times. In short, the Industrial Revolution refers to the transition from an agricultural-based society to an industrial-based society. Although this revolution is economic in nature, like all revolutions it will affect all aspects of society. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, new political beliefs will emerge, cities will grow, new forms of transportation and production will be created, environmental changes will take place, and millions of people will immigrate to industrial “hot spots”. This revolution is still taking place today throughout areas of the world. Ultimately, the Industrial Revolution marks one of the most important events in modern human history because of the dramatic changes that have occurred and are to some degree still occurring today.
I've included many links as usual and posted a few questions that I hope you guys discuss. Some time next week I will update again with the effects of Industrialization on society (everything from little kids getting mangled in factories, men getting hands chopped off, the growth of cities and the many problems born from it, the increase of organized crime and politcal machines, and etc.
YOU HAVE TO TAKE A LOOK THROUGH THIS SITE!!! This will give you a great scope to understand the world through the inventions that changed life. At least flip through the pictures. Most of the pictures on this post are from this site. This is truly a great resource of many inventions that have had dramatic effects on the modern society. Here is a good question to ponder and discuss: What do you believe to be the most important invention of the modern age (1800-present) and what are your reasons for this?
Alexander Graham Bell, telephone, and telephone service
Thomas Edison Do you know all the inventions that he and his company invented? Take and look see what he created!
Henry Ford, his Model T, and his use of assembly line tactics
Everything you wanted to know about the brothers who created and manned the first engine powered airplane.
This is a brilliant essay on how the Internet has effected society. What do you use personally use the internet for in your everyday life? Are there other ways for you to "improve" your life by taking advantage of the internet?
Thank you for the links Mr.DeGaetano!
I'm going to take a look to all these great links right now!
Bye for Now!
the links that you put on the web-site mr.D are great.
It's really amazing how big and complicated the first computer was ,take a look at this:
See you on Monday.
Thanks for the link Albina. It will be interesting to see when, and if, wifi/internet technology will become so small that everyone is connected all of the time. I know that we have that ability today and that many of you have T-Mobil, Blackberry's, I-phone's, etc. but it hasn't become mainstream to use this technology as your primary method. Maybe when they perfect the typing this will become the perferred method. Or what about voice activated. "Yahoo Mail, Password Yo Mama" that would be something else. What if you could text appliances, such as the oven, or washing machine, to start a chore before you even get home? Could this be the wave of the future?
Links are really great and more helpfull for us to learn of course!!
I am going to take more informations that arent in the sheets and we may discuus more about them in the class!That will be interesting :D
Industrial Revolution was a great chapter , and i'm looking forward to see the material for the Age of Imperialism:D
se you all at school...
I'm sorry i havent posted anything for 2 or 3 weeks:D
hehe no more comments.
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