Here's a little review of what we been talking about in class this week.
Movements-the people, events, laws, speeches, literature, etc. associated with a particular cause. Movements seek change in some aspect of society; whether it be social, political, economic, or most commonly, a combination of all three.
Example: Environmental Movement, Vete Vendosje Movement, Civil Rights Movement
Example: Environmental Movement, Vete Vendosje Movement, Civil Rights Movement
Revolution- a dramatic change(s) in society. Revolutions, like movements, can be social, political, or economic in nature. Most commonly they encompass all three areas and generally speaking almost all aspects of society.
Example: Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Internet Revolution
Example: Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Internet Revolution
We also discussed the use of BC, or BCE, and AD, or CE, to mark time.
BC= before Christ (Billions of years ago-0)
BC= before Christ (Billions of years ago-0)
BCE=before common era (same as above)
AD=after (Christ's) death (1-2008+)
CE=comon era (same as above)
AD=after (Christ's) death (1-2008+)
CE=comon era (same as above)
The French Revolution (1789-1799)
Here is a video from a guy in a bar with a beer in his hand telling you the history of the French Revolution. Now when some guy at the bar drinking beers starts talking about history, you listen. :) Seriously though, this is a good primer on the basics of the French Revolution.
If you prefer a more classic approach in an educational video here is a 3 minute video that covers the causes, actions, and effects of the French Revolution.
Like any movement, motivation starts early on and grows into an explosive revolution to create profound change. This timeline depicts the growth of individual freedoms and liberties in Europe and North America.
This is a mind map showing the many causes of the French Revolution
This is a good diagram showing the major periods of the French Revolution
Database of images about the French Revolution
No movement or revolution is incomplete without its protest songs, or battle hymns, if you will. Here is a complete database of songs that were sung widely by French revolutionaries during the Revolution.