Hello everyone, here is the link to poem so you can re-read it for the homework questions. I've also included other links and videos that you should check out for further understanding of this tragic event. Those who have the History Channel should check out the documentary tonight called 102 minutes that changed America. It airs at 10pm Kosova time and should be a great film depicting the events as they unfolded on 9/11/2001. See you guys tomorrow in class.
Link to the Remember 9/11 poem from class
Videos from class that we watched
This is a really good news broadcast from the BBC that sums up the day's events.
Check out http://www.history.com/ also for personal accounts from the people who lived through it.
9/11 - Great topic.
Good pictures.
Terrorism is NOW a part of history.
America does suffer a lot from terrorism because they almost always fight for good things.
9/11 is not the first terrorist attack - we shouldn't forget the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma that killed more than 160 people or the embassy
bombings during the 90s all over the world.
Terrorist attacks happened always but it was more like domestic terrorism. After the war between the Soviets and Afghanistan many new guerrilla groups suddenly appeared. During this war, the US supported the talebans with money and equipment and the result was - Soviets lost. The US even gave to them the Stinger heat seeking missile - a very advanced system for the time - and 120 mm mortars that brought to the soviet bases hell and destruction.
But after the war, America left Afghanistan alone with all those groups that pretended to lead the country. The afghans got pissed off and terrorist cells started to appear.
The biggest one was Al-Qaeda (eng. The Base)and its leader Osama Bin Laden - a rich prince.
Al-Qaeda,a group of fanatics that in the name of islam kill innocent people, got really wide spread all around the world and its power was nothing to joke about.
Their first hits were the U.S. Embassy in Kenya and the one in Tanzania, the Movenpick and the Goldmouhr hotels in Yemen - the result - perfect coordinated missions that killed and injured many people.
Then in 1993, they placed a bomb in a van and drove the it to the parking of the WTC (World Trade Center). The bomb exploded and made a huge hole but nothing more. 6 people died and more than 1000 got injured.
Than in October 2000, they bombed the destroyer ship U.S.S. Cole killing 17 sailors.
The big hit came in 09/11/2001 when the cell hijacked 4 planes in order to crash them into three U.S simbols.
The WTC got the worst blow.
The other two target were the Capitol and Pentagon.
The plane that was dedicated for the Capitol crashed in Pennsylvania but the other went into the Pentagon causing more than 190 deaths.
The plane hit the part of the Pentagon that was being rebuilt so it didnt cause a lot of damage to the rest of the structure.
Then, the global war against terrorism started led my America.
There is a lot to talk about this topic and we can make a great discussion,so, get involved!
bye for now.
Some interesting links:
Excellent analysis Sami. Great links as well. I'm going to post this on my US History blog as an excellent example of a comment. This is the kind of thing that assures me you understand the topic well and that I did my job to ignite a flame in you to seek out more information. Good work again.
I was just checking around , and i found this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXnA9FjvLSU
it is like...a kind of documentary...
who is interested to watch...watch it.
Very very good post Sami !
1)According to the poem, how did most Americans hear the famous words , "The United States under attack"?
-The Americans felt miserable , "Oh my God" were their first words.For them , this was so suddenly , something that fright all the american nation,something that tensioned them badly.
2)How did the American public react to the scene whether it be live(as in they were actually witnesses) or watching from T.V.?
-I thing that this was a bad experience for all those that saw that "event".After the second plane hitting ,everyone understood that this wasn't just an accident,but a TERRORIST ATTACK ! All thought who dare do this abnormality, who is so sick ,to kill hundreds of people.
3)According to the poem what is the only other event that America can compare to the 9/11 attacks?
-The only event that America can compare to the 9/11 attacks is the Pear Harbour (Hawaii,December 7, 1941; 2402 killed).
4)According to the poem what happened as the towers started to fall?
-At that moment , you could see people escaping from the danger zone ,people falling desperately to death (from the skyscrapers),shoutings,sounds of people crying ...
5)After the initial shock had worn off,what emotions/reactions did most Americans have towards the day's events?
-All those events were very hard to be swallowed,but american's were very brave, thay stood together to tell the world that US isn't falling.And what i like most in this poem are these wise words "The building may have fallen, but the foundation didn't break".
6) According to the poem what was "found" throughout American the next morning after 9/11?Use examples to back up your answer.
-Next morning after all around America you could find their patriotic side.They put flags everywhere; in cars, on buses, on clothes, on anything they could create.
7)Who attacked the United States 9/11?Why did they atack us?
-It was Al-Qaeda ,a islamic terrorist organization ,wich is founded by Osama bin Laden.They have attacked civilian and military targets in various countries,not just America.And they say that they do it for Islam,against other religions,especially Chatolicism.The leaders of this organization said that the main reason was that the United States was actively oppressing Muslims.
8)Other than the World Trade Center in NYC where else was the US attacked on 9/11?
-Except the World Trade Center attack,the hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon
,and a fourth one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania,that was going toward Washington D.C.There are no known survivors from any of the flights.
9)How did President Bush Jr. publicly respond to the attack?
-President Bush saith that today was on of the worsest day for America.Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.None of us will forget this day and that Yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
You can read all his 9/11 speech here :
10) Do you think that when national security is at risk the United States should be able to suspend the rights and freedoms of Americans that are granted to them under the U.S. Constitution? Explain.
-I think that US should be able to suspend the rights and freedoms of American when National security is at risk.For example,humans that would be at those risk circumstances should be protected , isolated from risk factors ,in a safe place, in a place that probably would not be dangerous.
Great answers Blend.
Well, about threats.
Al-Qaeda never sends a threat before it attacks - hisory can prove it.
The reason - the U.S. has a very advanced defense sys.
CIA, FBI, DHS, DEA, Secret service, army, navy, police service,and many many others are 24/7 working to prevent terrorist actions.
Al-Qaeda is a guerilla group that uses guerilla tactics and that translates into surprise attacks.
They always try to have the element of surprise and if they send a threat - they will loose it.
There are many questions about how AL-Qaeda communicates but I'll go through that later, of course, with my opinions based on what I have heard and read.
got to go.
Al-Qaeda communications
Many people think that Al-Qaeda has no real communication system between cells in different countries.
Well, how do they communicate?
The answer - Al-Qaeda is same as the Red Mafia, they dont have a leader to command them.
But what about Osama Bin Laden?
He was smart - he created cells and made them independent, intelligent enough to act on their own, plan on their own and still stay together.
Now he is in a kind of retirement - and the only way he communicates with his AL-Qaeda is by the videos he makes. Many think that each and every word in the video is a code sent to his group.
What makes Al-Qaeda almost impossible to destroy fully is the fact that they dont have the pyramid like hierarchy as did the Italian mafia - when a group has a pyramid like hierarchy and when you kill the leader of the group it is like cutting the head of a snake.
So lets get back to the communications - how do al-qaeda cells talk to each other?
Well mostly, they dont.
I know it is difficult to understand but after years of investigation and analyzing - this is the opinion that many agencies came up with.
waiting for some other points of view or opinions!
The raising of the flag by the fire fighters in pic. 2 looks like the raising of the flag atop mount Suribachi druing the Battle of Iwo Jima on the 23rd of Feb/1945. Iconic!
Great answers !!
I learned a lot from them i want ot include some informations too about the REMEMBER 9/11
The September 11 attacks (often referred to as 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, nineteen Islamic terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners.[1][2] The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the building, causing both buildings to collapse within two hours, destroying at least two nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There are no known survivors from any of the flights.
Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died in the attacks. Another 24 are missing and presumed dead. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 different countries. In addition, the death of at least one person from lung disease was ruled by a medical examiner to be a result of exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse, as rescue and recovery workers were exposed to airborne contaminants following the buildings' collapse.
The United States responded to the attacks by launching a War on Terrorism, invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, who had harbored al-Qaeda terrorists, and enacting the USA PATRIOT Act. Many other nations also strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. Stock exchanges closed for almost a week, and posted enormous losses upon reopening, especially in the airline and insurance industries. The economy of Lower Manhattan ground to a halt, as billions of dollars in office space was damaged or destroyed.
The damage to the Pentagon was cleared and repaired within a year, and the Pentagon Memorial was built on the site.[5] Rebuilding the World Trade Center site has proven more difficult, with controversy over possible designs as well as the pace of construction. Construction delays, revised cost estimates, security concerns, and public criticism have all led to changes and delays to the final plans in rebuilding the complex to this day.
Here i found some links!!
Excellent job again Sami. One thing I would like to add to your comments is explaining the crucial ingredient that binds Al-Qaeda cells together. This ingredient is the concept of Jihad. We talked briefly about this in class but let me explain in a little more detail. The idea of Jihad is rooted in the concept that life here on Earth is not your primary life, but only a judgment time for God, or Allah, to ponder where you shall end up in the next life, which is considered the true life. In simple terms, Jihad is defined as "holy war" but it's more complicated than that. Extreme islamic terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda (and there are many other ones beside Al-qaeda)use Jihad as the inspiration and motivation,as well as also the explanation for their violent acts. Thus, a terrorist's highest honor is to die for the cause (holy war, or Jihad). Through the eyes of a terrorist this "honorable act" will assure him a place in heaven, as well as bring honor on his family. So, as you can see the ideology behind terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda is where the root of the problem lies, and therefore the answer too. One great book to read is a book called Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. In this book lies one theory on how to "fight" the war on terror.The book is about how he has dedicated his life to building schools in Pakistan and how he believes the spread of education will breed understanding , compassion, and hope in this area of the world, and ultimately lead to less recruits for terrorists.
On a side note, one way to think about terrorist groups is like gangs. Gangs breed on poor,ignorant people and give them a rank (in their eyes), a purpose, and a family so to speak. Terrorist groups do the same. You don't find many middle or upper class people joining the "footsoldier" ranks of Al-Qaeda. The head guys are all well established and educated but the majority of the organization is made up of, for better words, sheep or followers.
Hi !
The September 11 attacks (often referred to as 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, nineteen Islamic terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners.[1][2] The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the building, causing both buildings to collapse within two hours, destroying at least two nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There are no known survivors from any of the flights.
Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died in the attacks. Another 24 are missing and presumed dead.[3][4] The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 different countries. In addition, the death of at least one person from lung disease was ruled by a medical examiner to be a result of exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse, as rescue and recovery workers were exposed to airborne contaminants following the buildings' collapse.
The United States responded to the attacks by launching a War on Terrorism, invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, who had harbored al-Qaeda terrorists, and enacting the USA PATRIOT Act. Many other nations also strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. Stock exchanges closed for almost a week, and posted enormous losses upon reopening, especially in the airline and insurance industries. The economy of Lower Manhattan ground to a halt, as billions of dollars in office space was damaged or destroyed.
The damage to the Pentagon was cleared and repaired within a year, and the Pentagon Memorial was built on the site.[5] Rebuilding the World Trade Center site has proven more difficult, with controversy over possible designs as well as the pace of construction. Construction delays, revised cost estimates, security concerns, and public criticism have all led to changes and delays to the final plans in rebuilding the complex to this day.
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation to commit such acts.[90]
Bin Laden initially denied, but later admitted, involvement in the incidents.[91][92] On September 16, 2001, bin Laden denied any involvement with the attacks by reading a statement which was broadcast by Qatar's Al Jazeera satellite channel: "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation."[93] This denial was broadcast on U.S. news networks and worldwide
In November 2001, U.S. forces recovered a videotape from a destroyed house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, in which Osama bin Laden is talking to Khaled al-Harbi. In the tape, bin Laden admits foreknowledge of the attacks. The tape was broadcast on various news networks from December 13, 2001. His distorted appearance on the tape has been attributed to tape transfer artifact.On December 27, 2001, a second bin Laden video was released. In the video, he states, "Terrorism against America deserves to be praised because it was a response to injustice, aimed at forcing America to stop its support for Israel, which kills our people," but he stopped short of admitting responsibility for the attacks.Shortly before the U.S. presidential election in 2004, in a taped statement, bin Laden publicly acknowledged al-Qaeda's involvement in the attacks on the U.S, and admitted his direct link to the attacks. He said that the attacks were carried out because "we are free...and want to regain freedom for our nation. As you undermine our security we undermine yours."[97] Osama bin Laden says he had personally directed the 19 hijackers.[98] In the video, he says, "We had agreed with the Commander-General Muhammad Atta, Allah have mercy on him, that all the operations should be carried out within 20 minutes, before Bush and his administration notice." Another video obtained by Al Jazeera in September 2006 shows Osama bin Laden with Ramzi Binalshibh, as well as two hijackers, Hamza al-Ghamdi and Wail al-Shehri, as they make preparations for the attacks.
Bye see u tomorrow !
Yeah that true. The glue between Al-Qaeda and the members is Jihad.
This is their goal, their life mission,and this makes them kamikaze.
Kamikaze is a Japanese word for divine wind. Japanese pilots believed that they were doing something divine going into ships with planes but no, I cant see anything divine about that.
What made them do that were their leaders - they made them believe strongly that if they sacrificed themselves for the Empire Of Japan they would go to heaven and have an honorable death. They got brainwashed.
That's the same with Al-Qaeda.
But the difference is that Al-Qaeda uses another motivation - the Jihad.
They brainwash the followers and there is a reason why they do that.
Osama Bin Laden was a business man and he always thinks of winning.
He was trained by the CIA in the late 80s but then left alone and considered as a radical crazy guy.
Now, he is revenging using Al-Qaeda. So all this thing has more to do with personal hate than islam. Al-Qaeda is just his tool, his gun, his army against USA and the others.
All Islamic population in the Middle East is poor and uneducated.
They are feed up with the reality and they want to escape from it, they want to be someone.
Bin Laden had his chance and used it. Using the Jihad as a soldier-bringer he raised his organization.
He used Jihad because no one would say that Jihad is bad - especially the radicals.
Now, he uses Jihad for keeping the organization together AND motivating new followers, to follow.
So, the Jihad is some kind of camouflage that hides the true purpose of Al-Qaeda but this is not the only thing it does - it has a multifunctional role.
Logically, the economy and education in the middle east would stop terrorism at some degree because if someone has a job and knows what is right and what is wrong he will not follow Al-Qaeda.
Despite all these facts that you r posting here about 9/11, I'm going to post some interesting things that refers to this day [some of you may had read them before because it had been circulating abroad in internet for all these 7years] it's funny and ironic how they link perfectly together...so here I go:
1.New York City-has totally 11 letters.
2.Afghanistan- has also 11 letters.
3.New York-is 11th state in the world.
4.First airplane that crashed in Twin tower was flight 11.
5.Flight 11 had 92 passengers (9+2=11)
6.Flight 77, the third flight hijacked had 65 passengers (6+5=11)
7.911 emergency telephone number (9+1+1=11)
8. September11 is the 254th day in a row in calendar, again we have (2+5+4=11)
9.Madrid bombing happened on 3/11/2004 (3+1+1+2+0+0+4=11).
10. 11 March 2004 Madrid train bombings happened 911day (9+1+1=11) after accident of 9/11.
11.TRY THIS: open a blank page of Microsoft Word and write with capitals
Q33 NY (this was the first flight that attacked Twin Towers)
then select it, make Font size 48 and convert actual font to WINGDINGS...
what do you think know?
I belive someone made it up!
I can make a couple of things with my name too!
Hahahah ..it's very interesting the way how these things link together.
Anyway, I think that this is just a coincidence.
As Sami says , everything can have a connection with anything else , so we can do many things like this even with our names.
At the class we talked about the movements here in Kosova.
Here you can get information about VETËVENDOSJE :
or,the official web page http://www.vetevendosje.org/
but unfortunately it is just in albanian.
in fact there are some documents in english
Thanks Blend.
okey blendrit!thank you for the links :D
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