Here's a little review of what we been talking about in class this week.
Movements-the people, events, laws, speeches, literature, etc. associated with a particular cause. Movements seek change in some aspect of society; whether it be social, political, economic, or most commonly, a combination of all three.
Example: Environmental Movement, Vete Vendosje Movement, Civil Rights Movement
Example: Environmental Movement, Vete Vendosje Movement, Civil Rights Movement
Revolution- a dramatic change(s) in society. Revolutions, like movements, can be social, political, or economic in nature. Most commonly they encompass all three areas and generally speaking almost all aspects of society.
Example: Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Internet Revolution
Example: Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Internet Revolution
We also discussed the use of BC, or BCE, and AD, or CE, to mark time.
BC= before Christ (Billions of years ago-0)
BC= before Christ (Billions of years ago-0)
BCE=before common era (same as above)
AD=after (Christ's) death (1-2008+)
CE=comon era (same as above)
AD=after (Christ's) death (1-2008+)
CE=comon era (same as above)
The French Revolution (1789-1799)
Here is a video from a guy in a bar with a beer in his hand telling you the history of the French Revolution. Now when some guy at the bar drinking beers starts talking about history, you listen. :) Seriously though, this is a good primer on the basics of the French Revolution.
If you prefer a more classic approach in an educational video here is a 3 minute video that covers the causes, actions, and effects of the French Revolution.
Like any movement, motivation starts early on and grows into an explosive revolution to create profound change. This timeline depicts the growth of individual freedoms and liberties in Europe and North America.
This is a mind map showing the many causes of the French Revolution
This is a good diagram showing the major periods of the French Revolution
Database of images about the French Revolution
No movement or revolution is incomplete without its protest songs, or battle hymns, if you will. Here is a complete database of songs that were sung widely by French revolutionaries during the Revolution.
About French Revolution...
Main reasons why the French Revolution started:
-Population was growing.
-They had lack of food and money.
-Wages were not going up.
-Prices of food were just rising and rising...
-Most of population had unreasonable taxes to pay.
-They couldn't conduct business without the interference of the Government.
-They didn't have political power.
This caused discontent to the most of French population (97%).
The discontent caused the French Revolution.
This Revolution changed a lot in Europe...
Good job Gent! Here is something to think about: Do citizens have the right (or duty) to remove a government that is not providing for the masses, not protecting the people's basic individual liberties and freedoms and set up a new government that will do a better job?
It is logical - the government is made to work for the mases and if it doesnt the mases just have to remove it.
It is a natural right. Thats why the Enlightment was started - thats why the revolution in France happened.
Yes Mr.DeGaetano.
-It is a Government's duty to provide for citizens and to protect their basic individual liberties and freedom.
-If the Government does not accomplish its duty , i think citizens have the right to to remove that government.
-In a Democratic state , people would remove the government by voting , but as we know the bourgeoisie in France had no Political power ,(they didn't have the right of VOTING)even if they were 97% of France population.This caused the Revolution.
The question is:
If a group of people lies to the mases an makes the mases be against the government?
There are two problems here:
First, the group is using the mases for their intentions or personal interests.
Second, the government is actually not a bad government but it is just against that group of people because they do bad things(inc.drug dealership, mafia things, kidnapping etc.)
This happened in Columbia.
A drug dealer called Pablo Escobar controled the mases with money and he had a lot of money. He was the number 1 drug dealer in the world and he was using Columbia as his factory and depot.
He had his own airport and transported drugs by plane!
For many years he controlled the government. If a president was chosen by democratic means he would threaten him and if that didnt work he would kill him.
This is not related to the revolutions but the question is.
*Colombia not Columbia.
my bad.
HI everybody !
Mr.DeGaetano,you should check the video links you've posted.There is the same video in both links.
Good things about French Revolution , especially the "mind map"....there i learned some things that i didn't know about the French Revolution.
About the question: I think that the citizens of France (the 3rd estate) planned to remove that goverment from the begining of the dissatisfactions ,but the reason they stood in those conditions for more than hundred years was the fear to do a revolt.They weren't ready and unconfident to do an outbreak.
Maybe there are any other reasons that the citizens didn't do it many years before.
If anyone has anything else to add about how they could live in those miserable situations, do it.
hey mr.DeGaetano what was the last sentence written in board that caused the french revolution , one of them was poor lidership i think, what was the other one????????
Albulena the last sentence was:
'Nobels resented the growing power of the king'
thanks albina but i really meant the last sentence in the other board , in the green one :$. mr.degaetano told me but i could not remember
i saw all links and were really great.Especially the videos i have learned a lot from them and from diagram too.
I'm not sure I understand your question Sami. Are you asking is it okay for the citizens of a country to overthrow a government which might not necessarily have bad intentions, BUT, because they are paid off, intimidated, and virtually controlled by a drug lord and his own para military group, act and operate as an oppressive government towards their citizens? If this is your intended question I would argue absolutely the people have the right and duty to take away the power of that government. The way I see it: Actions speak volumes louder than words and you are the company you keep. Intentions are just that. Its how you operate a country. When you have a government that is being paid off by drug dealers and the FARQ for turning their head away so that these groups can pursue their agendas then that government is as corrupt as the groups that they are supporting and is undeniably at fault for not governing their country correctly.
Lena; Financial crisis and Poor leadership allows the opening for revolution to take place in France during the late 1700s.
I agree completely.
My original question was:
If a certain group with certain interests lies to people and gains their support to overthrow the democratically chosen government then what should we think of it?
Naturaly it is wrong - BUT - it happened and it can happen again.
My point is that revolutions can be BAD and GOOD.
We cant say that the bloshevik revolution was great, can we?
It brought some good things but along came the bad things too!
Russia got advanced but the russian peopulation took a toll.
Revolutions arent always like the French and American one but they can be bad if a group that doesnt represent the whole mass takes control.
I hope you understand.
population not peopbllabla..! :D
ah yes , that's it. thank you mr.DeGaetano !!
hai ho!
pls. can anyone from sophomore 4 tell me what we had for homework or if we had homework for tomorrow?
hai ho!
pls. can anyone from sophomore 4 tell me what we had for homework or if we had homework for tomorrow?
No homework Sami. Also, good point about revolutions being both positive and negative.
thank you!
and about 'how people could live during the period before the revolution'.
I guess they just had to cope with it!
It was something that continued for a long time so people got used to it.
Then, things went really wrong.
The enlightment movement started to appear and people started to realize that what had seemed to them normal wasnt actually normal - it was pure oppression.
The movement started to be more and more on 'the breaking news' and this made it popular.
Then the revolution happened.
by the way:
blendi asked this question.
I want to add somethings which i learn about the french revolution!
The enlightment attempted to test every thing by observation and to determine the cause and effect realationshqips between natural events.Another characteristic of the enlightenment was rationalism the belief that truth can be arrived at solely by reason or national,logical thinking.Becouse of this central belief,historians also refer to the age of enlightnment as the age of reason.
Thus the thinkers of the of the enlightenment become convinced that progress could always take place.
Just as the law of gravity governed the physical movement of planets,so other laws governed human behaviour.
Here are somethings which i learned from the book.i think that will help to learn something new !
Great comment Medina! "Thus the thinkers of the Englightenment became convinced that progress could always take place" is the essence of the Englightenment Movement.
I have a question for you?
Can i know and if yes, what is your first name?
I find it very conservative to call you MR.DeGaetano and I really dont know how to pronounce it!
Mr DeGaetano name is Joe !
thx m.
Np :D
i've got a question that i forgot to ask today in class...
What happened to the wealth(money,lands...) of the first and second estates after the french revolution?!!
Sami, yes my name is Joseph or Joe, but it is not conservative of you to call me Mr. DeGaetano, but instead a sign of respect. I know in Kosova it is custom to call your teacher Mr. or Mrs. and then their first name but in most of the world this is uncommon and thought of as disrespectful.
Albina, your question is a good one and we will get to that in class but I don't want to jump ahead too fast. To answer your question in the easiest fashion I will say that some kept their wealth and their esteemed position whereas others lost everything including their lives.
what were the first four major events of the french revolution?
and here in Kosova we call teachers just TEACHER , we do not call them neither Mr./Mrs. first name , nor Mr./Mrs. last name
Lena, depending on where you went to school would determine how you called your teacher. Many Albanian Kosovars called their previous teachers Mr. Joe or Mrs. Ariana. However, I realize that many of you are accustomed to calling your teachers by the title teacher. BUT, being that you are at an American based school we will use typical American/Western customs.
yes sure , im not against of calling you mr. degaetano , i like it ! I just wanted to tell how we used to call our teachers in my primary school.
shihemi neser ! (see you tomorrow)
Hi Mr.DeGaetano. I wanted to make a question about the format of the project we're doing , and that is the type of drawing we should use on our comics.I wanted to know if we can make something with printer or only a part of the draw ?
i think we are not supposed to print something.. maybe im wrong
Feston, I know that your finished project would come out better if you used a computer for pictures or graphics but that doesn't take as much analysis work as does creating a comic from your own hands. Don't worry if you are not the best artist-just keep your characters and settings simple and let expressions and the conversations between characters tell the story.
im working on major events , i finished CAUSES of the french rev. , i didnt do any masterpiece but i think it can show the causes.
This thread is getting bigger and bigger! 41 comments!
Nice thing to see.
until now, i have a sense that the French Revolution was not as pure as it seems.
After doing some research, it looks like this period, from the 1780s to the 1800s was a mess where different groups used the situation to fulfill their objectives.
I might be wrong but it looks like it happened!
Some other ore same opinions?
I couldn't find anything about groups that used the situations of 1789 -1799 for personal benefits,but it's true that in all revoltes or wars,there are many people that take, or plan to take advantages of the situations.
They aren't interested about the national issues at all,but these persons just do what they can do best ,steal.
For example, here in Kosovo during the war in 1998 -1999 serbian people that lived here stealed whatever they could in the abandoned houses , but this kind of "bussines" was done by a lot of albanians too.
They didn't care if there was a war or not.
thank you blend.
Yes, that is true. I agree completely.
People use the situation for their own benefits. Great phrase.
I think that some groups used the Revolution for their own benefits - still dont know the groups. But it gives you the feeling that some from the first and second and possibly the third estate used the situation for their own interests.
see you!
Happy Bajram.
Some historians think that even after the French Revolution,France was a rural society with small farms and that the French people had still an large amount of social inequality ,were the nobles still retained their political and economical leadership in the land and still had a dominance under the bourgeoise.
Even if in the population weren't the "estate" grades anymore ,the nobles within the people were still separated and titled "the notables".
Some historians also think that the French Revolution wasn't a Social Revolution , but a Political one,that had many social consequences , not just in France, but worldwide...!
Yeah Sami ,the probability that people from al three estates did those kinds of things exists.
P.S. Have you heard about the French Revolutionary Calendar :D?
Hhahhahha ...here everything is connected with the Revolution,thats the reason why i'm asking this:P!
Bye for now , and i wish all you happy Bajram when it comes!
If anyone think that he has a good knowledge about French Revolution , here is a quiz with approximately 50 questions ,all about the events of the French Revolution , and then you can see your record.
Also, here is a French Revolutio guide ,created by Harvard University students for students everywhere.You can read this online for Free!Here you will find almost everything about the French Revolution.
Nice links.I did the quiz ,it wasnt very bad .Some questions were great but some not :S hehehe however, i have a question ?
Do you think that the french revolution went to far ?
Mr.DeGaetano have a great time in Slovenia !
Medina , I think that THE REIGN OF TERROR was too much in the French Revolution ,but maybe if that wouldn't happen, the results would be different.
I see it not like a "radical did", but like a conservative. I would say before the Reign of Terror , were hundred of people were killed , that the Revolution did his job, but the people of France thought that it isn't over yet,that the monarchy should be destroyed.
And so they did.
yeaa blend. Of course! It's perhaps the biggest stain on democracy ever. They forced the nation to accept a republic. But there were too many people that supported monarchy to keep from doing it without a heavy amount of blood shed.
Blend, one thing I totally disagree with you is this statement:
'I see it not like a "radical did", but like a conservative.'
No, I belive that this as not the truth.
Radicals are 179 degrees different from the conservatives.
There might be some room for similarities but not much.
Radicals - they always fight for something that others think is insane. They go too far, they push everything too much and they dont get a lot of support.
Albin Kurti can be considered as a radical because of his way of thinking and his vision - something impossible to happen now.
Conservatives on the other side are more ok with the past. They like to stay as they used to, they dont like changes a lot and they usually are supported by the older generation.
Now, Conservatives after the French Revolution, werent in the mood for more change - for them it was more than enough. So, they didnt cause the Reign of Terror.
BUT, the radicals got their chance and they always get their chance when the population is on an 'emergency' state. During this revolution period peoples emotions ran high so for them, what the radicals did wasnt insane as we think of it today - because now we are living an average,normal and boring life.
I always write my opinions so I might be wrong - but - I insist on this one!
By the way, the other comments you posted were great - especially - the one about how France was after the revolution, the removal of estates with differences still existing.
I agree completely about the one mentioned above.
(uns :P)
bye s.
Sami , I wrote that based on what we learned to school.
Then, we didn't say that the Conservatives were "OK" with the past ,because i wouldn't think that a society would be OK by being discriminated in all portable ways,
this was allright just for the first and second estate.
At the time when the National Assembly split in those groups ( Conservatives, Radicals and Moderates), the people just won their freedom and their rights , and the monarchy was completely over.So, all those killings in the famous GUILLOTINE (over 10 thousand i guess) were not necessary in my opinion.
In class, Mr.DeGaetano told us that the Conservatives weer a group of people that thought that the Revolution had reached its goal , not that they could live like they did before ...
This is my opinion .. you have the right to give your opinion too , so it doesn't matter.Maybe I've misunderstood what you wanted to say or contra.
Bye uns. ;)
P.S. Good saying!
Excellent dialogue Blend and Sami. Great links,especially the Harvard quiz link, Blend. If you guys are passing Harvard's quiz, you'll have no problem with mine. I'm glad that you all are comparing the French Revolution to other examples such as the Kosova-Serb conflict. It shows that you really understand the subject matter and its complexities. You two are correct in believing that many people did take advantage of the situation in the revolution for their own personal gain. One was Robespierre who will be executed by his own people. Another is the infamous Napoleon Bonaparte who was a member of the Third Estate and used the revolution to join the French military (remember before the reforms of the rev. 3rd Estate citizens couldn't join the ranks of the military)and later, use the chaos following the reign of terror to gain control of the French government.
'I see it not like a "radical did", but like a conservative.'
This was posted by you on the September 29, 2008 11:55 PM comment.
Blend, first of all, dont take it personal.
Read the statement above - I copy-pasted it from your comment.
Now, use your logic man - forget emotions - just think what is written up there!
Something is wrong with that sentence. The conservatives didnt cause the Reign of Terror - the radicals did. Why?
The radicals wanted more change, a new France, a totally new France and one of the radicals named Robespierre went to extreme measures. He took extreme measures to make sure that France will be different - without royalists.
The conservatives didnt want to
change things anymore - they thought that what was done was enough.
We didnt learn in school that the conservatives caused the Reign of Terror!
The representatives of the conservatives (right - wing) were aristocrat Jacques Antoine Marie de Cazalès and abbé Jean-Sifrein Maury.
The left-wing or radical wing was lead by Robespierre alone.
SO, if the Reign of Terror was caused by Robespierre than it was caused by the radicals, not the conservatives.
And by the way:
I didnt say that the conservatives were Ok with the past.
bye and have a nice weekend.
Blogger Blendrit Elezaj said...
Ok man , it's your opinion , i'm not taking it personal ,because it wouldn't make sense...we're classmates :D.
I didn't say that the Conservatives did the Reign of Terror ; you can't find that anywhere in my comments.
I just speaked about the conservatives,that thought that it was enough , that the R. did his job , not that they wanted something like "The Reign of Terror".
...im not so stupid to think so.
If i would live in that time , i would like to be a conservative ..somebody that think that everything was alright at those moments, not to continue with other massacres ... that was all about the words "I see it not like a "radical did", but like a conservative."
I agree absolutely with you , when you say
"The conservatives didnt want to
change things anymore - they thought that what was done was enough. " - that's absolutely correct.
Bye and have a nice weekend!
Rest in Peace,Aid Fejza :(.
I know it's hard for everybody ,but life goes on.
We should try to keep our prayers to them.
Bye :S!
Medina, it was a very good question!!!I wasn't able to post a comment earlier.
I read Blend's comment , and i totally agree with him.I think that The REIGN OF TERROR was more than enough for France.It wasn't necessary!!!
But maybe if that wouldn't have happened , the results would be different.
Like Blend does , in this case , i see it more like a conservative does!!!As we learned at school , they were more traditional , and they thought that the revolution had reached is't goals.But this doesn't mean that they could live the life they had before Revolution."They were part of Revolution too".That's when i got confused with Sami's post!!!
But that's OK.
I don't think that this should be taken personal.
I think all that long conversation between Blend and Sami was for these words: 'I see it not like a "radical did", but like a conservative.'
And i think these words are true.In this time , i think everyone thinks like Conservetives did.
And Samin...
I'm sorry i said Sami...But i really mean Samin.
I always mix your name:S
*AID rest in peace *:'(:(
Its very hard for us,to lose one friend like AID .
'The pre-test silence'
Can somebody tell me what you guys are up to ...!!
and Mr. D can you confirm to me if you got my e-mail.
Albina I did not get your email. My email is smelirse@yahoo.com
We just finished our unit on the French Revolution. We covered the rise of Napoleon, his conquests and the creation of the French Empire, and how the seeds of the French Revolution were spread throughout Europe setting in place the catalyst for dramatic changes in Europe. We are just starting our new unit on the Industrial Revolution. If you navigate through all the links on this blog and watch the video on Napoleon you should be in a good shape when you return. When do you come back? We all miss you.
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